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Sentiment AI
Call Analysis

The essence of human feelings extends beyond mere words - it resides within the nuances of sarcastic intonation, delicate facial gestures, empathetic winces of discomfort, laughter intertwined with unease, sighs signaling relief, and a plethora of other subtleties. We are here to assist in deciphering the unspoken.

Advancing empathic technology with the most accurate and nuanced models to date

Expressive Language

Measure 53 emotions reliably expressed by the subtleties of language.

Vocal Call Types

Explore vocal utterances by inferring probabilities of 67 descriptors, like laugh', 'sigh', 'shriek', 'oh', 'ahh', 'mhm', and more.

Valence & Arousal

Predict perceived valence and arousal in facial expression, vocal bursts, speech, or language.

Speech Prosody

Discover over 25 patterns of tune, rhythm, and timbre that imbue everyday speech with complex and blended meanings.

Dynamic Reaction

Measure dynamic patterns in facial expression over time that are correlated with over 20 distinct reports.


Measure the distribution of possible sentiments expressed in a sentence, negative to positive, neutral, or ambiguous.

Facial Expression

Differentiate 37 kinds of facial movement that are recognized as conveying distinct meanings and the many ways they are blended.

Vocal Expression

Differentiate 28 kinds of vocal expression recognized as conveying distinct meanings and the many ways they are blended.


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